Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Why God loves to use the weak

If you do not always feel strong, powerful, put-together, popular, gorgeous, perfect, or generally worthy—you’re in good shape!

God would love to use you for his purposes.
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong (1 Cor. 1:27).
I was watching Captain America yesterday and was intrigued with the reason Steve Rogers was chosen to become a super-soldier. It was not because of his strength. It was because he was, well, wimpy. But even though he was physically weak, he had a strong inner self. The scientist chose him because since he had been bullied, he would never become a bully himself.

I was never a clear candidate to be a leader for anything. I was never the fastest, strongest, tallest, best looking, or most in command. In 8th grade, I was the shortest boy in a large class. This fact was made more humiliating in that we had an 8th grade graduation and marched according to height. Oh yes we did. And yet, God has continued to increase my responsibility, and has repeatedly allowed me to lead in various capacities. Why does God revel in using the weak to do his work? Here’s a few possible reasons:

#1 God uses the weak because they embrace compassion.
A strong person may never know what it means to be at the bottom. When I was about 10 years old, I was standing in a soup kitchen line to get dinner with my mother. I was the kid who got “free lunch” at school, and wore ratty clothes. Even though I was only poor for a brief period of my life, I will never forget what it felt like.

#2 God uses the weak because of the seduction of power.
Those who have known an absence of power in their lives, are keenly aware of how it can be abused. They may have been victims of the abuse of power. There is a sensitivity to how power is used, and that it is used for good. Of course in time, anyone can be seduced by power in a way that uses it in harmful ways.

#3 God uses the weak because he gets all the credit.
People really take notice when God uses small people in big ways. Notice the reaction in Acts 4:13: When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. The credit goes where it belongs—to Jesus!

#4 God uses the weak because of the upside-down nature of the kingdom
Jesus teaches that the first will be last, the last will be first. He teaches that those who want to be strong, should become weak. He shows us what a true hero looks like—one who sacrifices his life for others. Using “weak” people makes perfect sense in the kingdom of God.

So if you have a weakness, take heart! God loves to use us weak people. He will use you!

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