Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Magic Jesus

Today's guest post is from Rob Shepherd.  You will love the insight and wit at his blog.  Check it out!

I wish Jesus was like magic. Magic is quick and easy. You present a problem and then before your very eyes the problem is solved. All it takes is a few magic words. Oh and a wand. Oh and a cape. Oh and a top hat. All it takes is a few supplies and voila magic happens. Okay, it's not quite that easy. I once had to pay $59.99 in order to figure out how a magic trick worked. I saw a card float and then the magician said for just $59.99 you could learn how to make a card float. I'm a sucker. I said I'd use it become a great magician. I never became a magician. Maybe it's because I don't own the wand, cape, or top hat?

Magic is so great we name things after it. Magic Bullet. Magic Eraser. Magic Johnson. Magic is great...except for the fact that it's fake. Magic is an illusion. A slight of hand. It's entertaining, but it's not real. It would be nice if Jesus would just wave his hand over our problems and POOF they'd be gone. But that's not the way that Jesus works. In fact the Bible paints a very different picture of what a relationship with God is like.

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 
The Bible compares a relationship with Jesus to running a race. I hate running. Before this year I would often say that the only reason anyone should ever run is if someone is chasing them, and the only reason that anyone should train to run is if they know in advance that someone is going to chase them. Running is hard. Running hurts. Running leaves scars. I started running this past year for exercise and I got really bad blisters. I know, I know buy the right socks. Who knew that they had jogging socks? So now running costs me something. I bought running shoes, socks, and one jogging shirt that says "Running Sucks."

A relationship with God is amazing, but it's like running. It takes discipline. It's not easy. And it comes with a cost, Jesus' life. Sometimes people think that when we run with God it causes God to love us more. They get upset when they do something good for God and they don't get a blessing in return. But running with God doesn't change God's perspective of us, it changes our perspective of Him. Running is the perfect analogy of a relationship with God because it's not easy. Being a Christ Follower doesn't guarantee that you won't struggle. It doesn't mean that life will be perfect. It doesn't mean that you won't hurt. It means that you have someone along side of you who has been there. Running with God changes your perspective of God because you see Him so much more clearly than when you don't run with Him. Like I said, running doesn't change God's perspective of you, it changes your perspective of Him.

Do you love or hate running?

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