Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Is swearing really a big deal?

My wife was telling me that as a substitute teacher, times have changed. She said that she is not allowed to discipline if she hears a student drop the “f-bomb.” (The “F” is for fun!) She can only say something if they say the word to her directly.

When I was looking at some of the responses to Donald Miller’s gender posts last week, I noticed a bit of a trend. The person responding would list why Don's thoughts were not biblical, and then would throw in a few expletives to let you know just how unbiblical they really were.

Or, if a Christian wants to swear but doesn’t want to seem, well, un-Christian, they can simply use the many new letter codes that make up "Christian" obscenities. I will reserve listing them all here. (Jon Acuff says that I shouldn't know them anyway.)

There’s a growing number of Believers who argue that swearing is no big deal. A swear word is just a word. The context dictates whether or not it is used in a harmful way. No one should be judged by the word, only how the word is used.

But is this true? Here are some reasons that it isn't:

#1 Words are important.
The more we treat language loosely, the weaker our language becomes. The weaker the language, the wearker the society.  Words have meaning, and if we care about truth, we need to choose them carefully.

#2 Swearing shows a lack of discipline
It takes discipline to hold back from a choice word. It’s easy to swear. Finding a better word, one that builds up, rather than tears down, takes work.

#3 Swearing is still offensive to most people.
If I the next time I gave a message at church, I let loose a 4-letter word, what would the response be? *Gasp*  If it's offensive at church, shouldn't it be offensive in your home, or at work?

#4 God wants us to have wholesome language
Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Despite what some argue, it is impossible to build someone up with obscenities.

What do you think?

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