Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Baptism...How embarassing!

My two oldest (10, 13) are getting baptized in a couple of weeks. It’s pretty exciting. My youngest isn’t ready yet. I knew that because the other day she asked what a baptism was, and I explained it. After a lengthy adult discourse and definition of baptism, she looked at me and said she was sure she could do it. I said, “how do you know?” She said, it was easy, “I can hold my breath for 10 seconds under water.”

If you are a Christ follower, but have not yet responded in obedience to being baptized, you should! It’s not only a way to obey God’s command, but it is a huge encouragement to those who participate to see what God has done in your life! Plus, I believe there are huge spiritual benefits for taking this step of obedience. One of the problems for people who have been Christians a while is that it can be embarrassing to get baptized later in life. It shouldn’t be, but it is. Consequently, a person may put it off even longer.

It’s kind of like my stinking wisdom teeth that just now my dentist is telling me he wants to take out. I kind of feel silly for not having them out earlier, but it’s too late.

It’s also how Peter must have felt when Jesus said he was going to wash his feet. “You’re not going to wash my feet Lord!” Peter barked. It was embarrassing. But really, this kind of embarrassment is just misguided pride. Peter was too prideful to allow Jesus to wash his feet. Because if Jesus had humbled himself before Peter, then Peter would have had to humble himself below others he saw himself above. But fortunately Peter did allow it. It was because Jesus said, “unless you let me wash your feet, you will have no part in me.” Ouch. And baptism is similar according to the Scriptures. It is something that we need to allow God to do for us in order for us to better serve others.

I’m so glad my kids have decided they want to get baptized. How about you?

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