Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

What Tullian Tchividjian said

I’ve been reading Tullian Tchividjian’s (Cha-vih-jin) newbook called Jesus + Nothing = Everything, and really enjoying it.  The premise is in the title, but it’s a hardtruth to embrace.  Tchividjian says thatGod really does offer us everything in the work of his Son, but to accept it,we need to let go of everything else.  Toooften we are prone to add something to our faith to make it feel complete.  Consider it for yourself: Jesus + myambition; Jesus + my bad habit; Jesus + my future; Jesus + my family; Jesus +my job; Jesus + my stuff; Jesus + my relationships… On and on this game goes.

We suspect that one little plus sign after Jesus will do noharm.  We would be wrong.  Adding something to Christ’s sufficiencymakes all the difference between having inner peace vs. a restless spirit. 

I was wondering what I may be subtly adding to the amazing Gospelof freedom.  At times, I fear about myfuture.  I suspect this is a bit of anidol for me—my vision for my life vs. God’s. A daily yielding is necessary to make the math complete.   Jesus + nothing = everything.  His future for my life will be the betteroption.

Do you believe the equation? Or have you added something too?

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