Senin, 16 Januari 2012

That's not fair!

One of the things we learned preparing for our adoption wasthat children who are adopted into families with pre-existing siblingsreally struggle with a sense of fairness. It seems strange to think of a child with so little possessions coming into a familywith (relatively speaking) so much, quibbling about fairness.  But that’s the way it generally is. 

In our house recently it has gotten worse than ever.  If another child receives anything "extra", Matthewis quick to point out the perceived inequity. Of course, he receives much more than the others overall as wescramble to help him catch up to what they have (new…everything!).

As usual, I am reminded of our adoption into the family ofGod.  We came from so little, spiritually speaking, and through Christwe arrive at so much.  But we often struggle when it appears Godblesses others, but not us.  Others seem tohave it all, while we are struggling with every day life.  Our attitudes must seem just silly toGod.  How can we have so much and yetforget about it so quickly?

Spend some time today remembering.  Remember all that God has given you inChrist.  Thank him for all of the thingsthat are right in your life.  Remember that he is a great Father.

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