Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

How do I know God's will for my life?

There are many questions that burn deep within the human heart:
  • Why did Alex Trebek shave off his mustache?
  • Why is Ron Artest changing his name to “Metta World Peace”?
  • When did Cookie Monster start referring to cookies as “a sometime snack”?
  • Will they let you play in the NBA when your last name is “Peace”?
  • Is that Malcolm in the Middle running for office?
  • Really?
  • Isn’t he like, 12?
  • Wow, he’s 25? Does that make me officially old?

Ok, maybe these are just the burning questions in my heart.
My early ministry was spent in youth ministry, and the last 5 years I have devoted to 20-somethings. In that time, the #1 question people want to know is: How do I know God’s will for my life?
There are many ways to go about answering this question. Here are a few starting points:
  1. Just do it. Sometimes jumping in is the best remedy for lack of direction. Worry less about what exactly does God want you to do, and follow his general will. Follow biblical concepts like “do unto others” and “put others before yourself,” and see how it works for you. You may find that a path for your life gets clearer and clearer. (Read Romans 12:1-2.)
  2. Be who you are. Find out what you are good at, and do something for God with your strength. Everyone is wired for something. Adele has a beautiful singing voice. Dirk Nowitzki has a beautiful jumper. Bob Ross painted beautiful trees that could “pop up” just about anywhere. If you don’t know what you are good at, ask some people who know you well. God has promised spiritual abilities to all of his followers.
  3. Ask Him. The Bibles says that “we don’t have because we don’t ask.” Whenever I find myself stuck in life, I realize it’s because I haven’t prayed. It’s amazing how God reveals his will to us when we pray. His direction is not always instant, but it comes with time and patience.
If God’s will for your life feels unknown, that’s because it is. But take heart, there are steps you can take to have clarity. You may never have the full picture of your life until that day when you look back on it and see the pathway that has led you to him.

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