Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Guest Post: The Harvest Is Here

Today's guest post is by Renee Johnson, the "Devotional Diva."  I recently had the honor of endorsing her next work, Not Another Dating Book.  It's terrific!  She loves to bring insight from the Bible and encourage people.
“Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Here is the proof that what I say is true: ‘This year you will eat only what grows up by itself, and next year you will eat what springs up from that. But in the third year you will plant crops and harvest them; you will tend vineyards and eat their fruit’” (2 Kings 19:29, NLT).
I remember growing up and how I couldn’t wait to be an adult. To accept responsibility with bliss. Be my own person.

My mom famously said to me to wait until I grow up because responsibility isn’t what it seems.

In other words, it ain’t easy.

I would flit my eyelashes at her while I roll my eyes and inwardly groan. I wanted so badly to be an adult.

Flash forward many years and the struggles in life. If I were to tell you how many hard things I experienced, I would make YOU groan. The eczema. Anxiety. Panic attack. Years of my life without skin. Forced home schooling. Yeah. Adulthood sucks.

But there was one glimmer of hope.

Writing. No matter how difficult my day was, if I was contemplating suicide, or planning out the next five years of my life—I wrote and wrote about everything.

It would shock you to know that I actually went to college to become a high school math teacher until God shut that down. He opened my eyes to see the truth in His Word and the number of pages I had scribbled while I poured my heart out to God through my pen with huge droplets of tears moistening the pages.

I was supposed to write.

But how? When? I began blogging back in 2004 as a way to get my thoughts about whatever verse I read that day in hopes of encouraging my fellow prisoners in the Lord (Ephesians 3:1). And it stuck. The harvest began.

I was completely satisfied to blog and finish out my schooling with Biola University. That is until my least favorite teacher of the worst class ever had to ruin my plans for a future.

He asked me, “Why aren’t you published?”

Uh. Me?




I expected my harvest of peace to come through other means. That God would use my incredible story and testimony of His continued healing other ways.

In 2008 I signed my first book contract and scrounged up all the blog posts I could find from the past 7 years, thus became “Faithbook of Jesus.”

If that weren’t enough, God made me live my words all over again. Suffering came over me like a flood. A tidal wave of Egyptians swirling all around me, causing me to panic.

I couldn’t breathe.

God opened a way through my misery and set my feet back on solid ground. In 2010 I signed my second book contract and began writing about my dashed hopes and dreams of being married called “Not Another Dating Book.”

I told myself I was writing it for all the Christian singles out there that hate dating books and are tired of formulas and people telling them what to do.

Then I met Marc.

It says in 2 Kings 19 that in the third year, Hezekiah would plan and harvest. This is my harvest. I am seeing the benefits to anguish. Planting in tears. Giving up my life to find a new one.

Time Magazine recently put out a study on millenials and called us Twixsters. They talked about why it’s taking so long for the 20-somethings to get going with life, marriage and career.

I don’t know what’s holding you back, but I know for me it was my health and the legitimacy of God’s plan.

He is sovereign.

No matter how much I whined and complained about the so-called lack of harvest, the fact is—the harvest is here and it is now. It is happening all around us if we choose to accept the responsibility.

Do the work.

What about you? Is your harvest now or three years from now?

I am here to encourage you to be patient and endure with joy the difficult days as an adult.

Come on you can do it. The harvest is here!

“So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God” (Hebrews 6:1, NLT).
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