Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Spiritual but not religious

When I stopped home for a quick bite today at lunchtime,there was this full page add in the community paper for our local funeral home.  The headline asked: “Are you spiritual, butnot religious?”  If so, you should usetheir “Certified Celebrants” instead of a local pastor to perform your memorialservice.  (I am jealous at how muchcooler their title sounds than mine.  Also, Ithink that Donnie and Marie Osmond may have been certified celebrants.)  The ad then went on to list the variousoccasions where people would want a “non-religious” service, like, for your dearuncle Fred who always insisted that life was only about family but not about God.

It was an interesting ad campaign for two reasons.  It was interesting that the mass appeal for afuneral home was targeted to the non-religious. The marketers obviously recognized this as an unreached but significantgroup of people.  It made me wonder ifthe church believed the same.  Itwas also interesting because of the phrasing: “spiritual, but not religious,” aphrase that those of us in young adult ministry have been hearing for a verylong time. 

I have to admit that I roll my eyes a little bit with thisphrase.  I don’t think that a person reallymeans that they are spiritual but not religious.  I think that what they are really saying ismy religious beliefs are personal, and I don’t want someone else telling mewhat to do.  I think what they mean is theydon’t need to be part of “organized religion” in order to believe in God.  Or maybe they simply mean that they don’t particularlycare to get out of bed on a Sunday morning. 

But whatever the reason, this advertisement is on to something.  Churches should also be campaigning for thesouls of those who consider themselves “spiritual, but not religious.”  It’s the category of people that used to becalled “seekers.”  The ones who stillhaven’t found what they’re looking for.  Andmore importantly, it’s the category of people that Jesus loves.

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