Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Is Tim Tebow getting divine help?

I must admit I am a little nervous.   This Sunday the red hot Denver Broncos areplaying the team that my family loves. The recent streak of success from a team that doesn't have the stats orplayers to back it up is mind boggling. It is toying with my theology a bit. God doesn't help sports teams win…does he?  But watching the Broncos come back from gamesthey should lose, and do it in glorious fashion, seems nothing short of…biblical. 

But even Tim himself does not believe that God weighs in onfootball scores.  On Sunday, some engagingcommentary came from the likeable Bob Costas who said: “[Tebow] has thegood sense, and good grace, to make it clear he does not believe God takes ahand in the outcome of games.”  But ifthat’s the case, what’s happening?  Howis this scrappy guy, who is losing the game during the first 3 quarters,suddenly become a hero in the fourth?  Game after game after game.  Hereminds me of Samson in the Old Testament, where Samson would suddenly befilled with God’s Spirit to do some glorious physical feat and by so doingbring glory to God.

Ok, Tebow as Samson? That’s a bit of a stretch.  But ishe getting divine help?  Yes, actually, he is.  God may not be in the business of selectingwhich team wins, but he certainly is in the business of helping those who bringglory to his name.  That help may bespiritual or physical.  It may be subtleor drastic.  But God does it all thetime.  Tebow used to wear Philippians4:13 on his “eye black” back in college. That verse claims: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthensme.”  Tebow certainly seems to be provingthat verse true.

I don’t know if Denver will beat the Patriots thisSunday.  I still don’t think that God is reallyconcerned about the final score.  But Ido know that God loves Tim Tebow.  But healso loves Tom Brady…and he loves me…and he loves you too.   I alsoknow that God will receive glory, with or without Tim Tebow, and with orwithout us.

But wouldn’t you rather be on his team?

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