Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

One secret to leadership

I do not fashion myself a great leader. But there is at least one secret to leadership that I have learned in life. The strange thing is, although I have never read it in any leadership book, nor heard about it at any conference, it is most certainly a game changer.

It is simply this: do not fear anyone. So many of us live in fear of someone else. What will they think? Will they hate my idea? What if it doesn’t work? What will people say? What does my boss/spouse/friend/co-worker feel about me?

When one becomes a slave to these kinds of thoughts, he or she cannot lead in any capacity. Take a silly example. Your friends and you are at blockbuster video. None of you can figure out what video to rent. The reason? Simple. No one wants to pick a movie that everyone hates. It is fear of what others will think. Or maybe you are in a staff meeting at your job. You have an idea that will make a difference, but you hold back because of fear. On and on you could go with these kind of examples. Many times the difference between leadership and followership comes from a direct fear of others.

So who are you afraid of? Say the names out loud. Then ask yourself, why am I afraid of them? Then pray to God and ask him to take the fear away. He will most certainly do it! You will be amazed at the freedom this brings in your life!

For a really good blog on leadership, check out my friend Brian’s blog here.

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