Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Having a life mission statement

I thought (since I am soon over the hill) that it would be a good time to refresh my life mission statement. I have always sensed from God a certain direction or calling in my life. Through the years that calling has had more clarity as God has revealed my gifts, passions, and sense of his leading. Here is what I found myself writing down in the most recent version:
My purpose on earth is to “lead many to righteousness” by proclaiming the Story of Jesus in clear, fresh and relevant ways.
It’s not a perfect statement, but it sums up what I feel God’s call on my life is, in a way that is general enough to allow for his work, but specific enough to be helpful. Here’s some of the ways that a life mission statement can be really helpful.

1) It keeps you on track. Perhaps the most obvious, having a personalized mission that you are confident in will help you filter all kinds of decisions. From the big picture (should I take this new job?), to the everyday (what kinds of books should I be reading?).
2) It gives encouragement when you lose your way. It’s fairly common in life to get discouraged, especially in ministry. It’s easy to wonder if you are really doing what God made you to do. Having a personal mission written down can solidify what you already know is true about your life. It can keep you from getting derailed.
3) It will help you make good ministry decisions. Most people who work in ministry find it easy to fill up a week with work. But filling it up with the right things is a different matter. What activities should take priority over others? What events or activities should I be a part of? When should I say no to requests? These kinds of decisions can be paralyzing without a strong sense of personal vision or mission.
4) It will help you finish well. I was watching Andy Rooney on 60 minutes the other night. It was his last episode of a 33 year career with the show. He looked old, but he also seemed very content with his life. In the interview, he was asked the question: what would he do if he had life to do all over again. I wrote down his answer because I was so impressed by it. Here is what he said: “If I had my life to do over again, I would work on 60 Minutes. I would write a piece of my own every week. I would write it, and then I would read it. That’s what I would do.” In other words, he would do exactly what he had done. That’s because, despite his prickly personality, Andy Rooney had a strong sense of personal mission in this world. He knew what he was made to do, and he did it relentlessly.

And so should we.

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