Minggu, 25 September 2011

What causes us to sin?

The Bible says that we all “sin and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Sin is any time we disobey God, or don’t do something he asks us to do. Generally, I think that sin is simply a deep down dissatisfaction with our lives or the way we feel in the moment. A person may be mad about the way his marriage is going, so he grabs another beer. After a while he may succumb to a full blown addiction. Another person uses food for the same purposes. Some may put down others or live in conflict in order to make their own life seem more significant. Others may misuse power or authority in order to mask their dissatisfaction.

The dissatisfaction, however, isn’t one’s deepest motivation. Behind it is doubt. We doubt that the world is really the way God says it is. We doubt that he really loves us. When we sin, we doubt that his grace really covers us—we doubt we are truly forgiven. This doubt causes us to feel dissatisfied and that causes us to sin. It’s a vicious cycle.

It’s also why the Bible makes such a big deal about faith. It’s why faith is at the heart of Christianity. It’s why the Bible says that “without faith it is impossible to please [God]” (Heb. 11:6). If you are struggling with sin, check your motivation. Do you feel dissatisfied? What are you unhappy about? Do you trust that God has your life in his hands? Do you believe that he created this world and is sovereign over it all? Do you believe that he deeply loves you and forgives you for all of your sin?  Once you begin to truly believe these things you will be amazed at how life begins to change.  You begin to have the kind of freedom only Jesus can bring.

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