Senin, 11 Juli 2011


Mount Entoto, Addis Ababa
Saturday I was climbing up a mountain in Addis Ababa when I was reminded of something profound. We were in a van, which was good, since the air was very thin due to the altitude, and I think I would have died trying to climb it. All along the steep incline, we saw women carrying huge bundles on their backs. We were told that the women do much of the heavy labor here. Some of these women were clearly grandmothers, and had shoes that were falling apart. Their face expressions betrayed the weight of their cargo as they trudged along the hill. We were told that they did this every single day of their lives, starting from a very young age. We saw little girls as well, smaller packs on their back, verifying this.

Two different thoughts crossed my mind when I saw them:
  1. The next time I have work that I am not enjoying, I will remember these women, and not complain about it.
  2. But more importantly: I wonder if this is what we can look like spiritually to God? Trudging up and down our mountain of life, all the while carrying this huge burden on our back. We start young and continue on until we are very old--not sure of how to go about liberating ourselves from the weight.
Herein lies a profound spiritual truth. We are all under the weight of sin until Christ comes and liberates us from it. We all can choose to live life carrying around our burdens, or we can choose a life of freedom and liberty from them.

The women in Ethiopia, of course, have no choice. They must carry these burdens around all of their days. But inwardly, many of them know true freedom, and utter peace because of Christ. They no longer carry the heavier spiritual weight of guilt and despair.

How does your journey feel?
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  (Mt. 11:29)

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