Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Is Doubt a Virtue?

This morning I read in my devotions about Barnabas. He has three descriptions in Acts 11:24. Three reasons why he became particularly qualified for the ministry that needed to be done. But before I remind us of what they are, what do you suppose would be the top 3 qualifications for a ministry leader today? Wouldn’t the postmodern virtue of doubt be among them? This virtue goes something like this: Hold onto what you believe loosely, because it is arrogant to believe with 100% certainty. Certainty is only befitting for IRS agents, referees and raging fundamentalists. The thought is, Christians should communicate more like the local weatherman. Watch what you say, since there’s about a 50% chance that you may be wrong.

But the three descriptions of Barnabas are 1) that he was a good man (high character) 2) that he was filled with the Holy Spirit (doubtful of his own abilities, relying on God instead) and 3) that he was full of faith. Full of faith. Lots of good old fashioned certainty of what he could not see or touch. I love this. I also love how the guys in the book of Acts are continually described as “bold” in the way they communicated the truths of God. Could it be that the culture of doubt we have created is not as biblical or healthy as we believe it to be? Why is there such certainty about this postmodern dogma of doubt? Could it be creating “believers” with squeamish faith? People are left with no assurance—always wondering if they are on the right track. Sounds to me like a recipe for losing one’s faith completely.

Way back in 1959, the English writer G.K. Chesterton seemed to foresee our postmodern fear of certainty. In his book, Orthodoxy, he said that it was good for a person to be “doubtful of himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed. We are on the road to producing a race of men too mentally modest to believe in the multiplication table.” Ouch. If he’s right, we have a problem. Let us all become more like Barnabas: embracing humility in our view of ourselves, but certainty of our faith in God!

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