Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

God gives second chances

To say that God gives second chances is a bit of anunderstatement.  I mean, it’s like sayingthat the internet is useful or that women are complicated.  The truth is so much more than that.  I wonder if I took a tally in my life of allthe stupid things that I have ever done, every sin, every foible, every baddecision, misstep, evil intent, wrong choice…how much would they add upto?  Thousands upon thousands, Isuspect.  And yet God’s grace issufficient for every single one of them.

Sometimes after I do something particularly boneheaded Ifeel guilty or ashamed about it.  Iconfess the sin to God and make it right. But sometimes I wonder if he will really forgive me.  Of course he will, and he does, but I stillwonder for a moment.  I wonder because Iam human and can’t fathom forgiving someone that many times. 

I struggle forgiving someone twice.

The mystery and sheer audacity of God’s grace moves me.  His mercy is so vast that it creates in me asense of awe, wonder and even fear.  Idon’t understand how it can be so, but I believe it is.

I am so thankful that God forgives, forgives, and forgivesagain.  On the verge of a brand new year,let this be a refreshing thought.

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