Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Because you've got to have faith

When I read the Scripture at face value (which I try to do),one of the themes that comes forward crystal clear is that of audaciousbold-faced faith.  The Word does notmince words when it comes to faith: you've got to have it.  God declares that “without faith it isimpossible to please him” and that “he who comes to God must believe.”  He says that “faith is the substance ofthings hoped for” and that it is the “evidence of things not seen.” 

Jesus says that if we have faith, just as small asthe smallest little seed, we can move mountains.  He says that we can say, “Hey mountain, timefor you to scat!” and it will.  (NewRevised Rob Tucker Translation)

Since I haven’t seen any mountains moving lately, I suspectmy faith is smaller than the smallest little seed.  I have been convicted of my own lack of faithin recent days.  There seems to be adisparity in what I believe God CAN do, and what I believe he WILL do, in mylife and ministry.

A friend of mine had a great quote about this onher Facebook info.  It’s from a man ofrenowned faith, Hudson Taylor, who did move mountains--metaphoricallyat least.  He said: 
“Many Christiansestimate difficulty in the light of their own resources, and thus they attemptvery little and they always fail.  Allgiants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned onHis power and presence to be with him.”
And herein lies the essence of power-filled faith: believingnot in one’s own strength, but in God’s power and presence to be with us.  Really believing.

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